About Jewelry Brass and Bronze

Both jewelry brass and bronze are copper alloy.  Jewelry brass, also known as red brass, is an alloy of copper and zinc, while bronze is copper and tin.

Color-wise, jewelry brass has a rich golden color, very similar to yellow gold, while bronze is paler in comparison, almost somewhat towards pink.  Both jewelry brass and bronze are a solid metal, so no worries of any plating coming off.

Due to the copper content in them, when left exposed to air over time, the gold tone will develop into a darker patina.  This often adds an old world charm to the jewelry pieces.

However, if you prefer your jewelry bright and shiny, just slush the item in household white vinegar (full strength) or fresh squeezed lemonade for a few minutes, and watch the tarnish disappear. Follow with a good rinse with some dish soap and warm water, then pat or blow dry thoroughly with a hair dryer in low settings to remove moisture.  To prolong the gleaming shine, I recommend storing the item in a Ziploc type bag when not in use.

That's it, no elbow grease necessary:-)


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