When the Sun, the Moon, and Stars All Lined up

For as long as I can remember, I've always been fascinated by all things in the sky.  The Sun, the Moon, and all the stars!  For their warmth and shine, and the inspirations offered up to the great poets and artists through the millenniums.

As we came to expect to see them spread across the skies, it is the rare chances when the Sun, the Moon, and Earth all lined up for a brief moment, that we reflect on our own world and how small it really is, and how incredible that we get to see the phenomenon, be it full or part, from our own backyard... So, to celebrate this exciting occasion, I share my "Sun, Moon, and Stars" necklace and earrings.

This is a work of mine that had been in the making for many, many years.  Each element is hand shaped, freeform, then hammered, one by one, to bring out the organic style and add extra shine.  For every piece I kept in the final composition, many more were discarded...

But in the end, I'm rather happy with the results, including the asymmetrical stars earrings ;-)

Time to celebrate in style!

Materials:  Sterling silver, Argentium silver


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